Friday, February 22, 2008

Interfering again!

After having many informative blogs over the last month or so, this one differs as it tends to more of a complaint. Once again, my 7th grade son will do nothing in Math over the next month except for prepare for the PSSA test. He has more homework relating to the PSSA test than he had when he was following the regular curriculum. Students find this frustrating because of the increase in homework and the inconsistent material thrown their way. I find it detrimental to the learning cycle of the school year. The January, February, March time of the school year is considered by many to be the prime learning months for students. The beginning of the school year is a time for learning the rules and being eased into a routine of a new year. The holidays bring many vacation days. The end of the year is stacked with student excitement in anticipation of the summer holidays. The winter period is more conducive to learning than any other time. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania Department of Education is interfering with this window of educational opportunity by mandating when the schools must schedule the test. Stop the madness and let the kids learn already!

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